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YPCV Spotlight - Emory Holmgaard

Name: Emory Holmgaard


Atlantic Union Bank

Job Title:

Business Banking Relationship Manager

How long have you been in Lynchburg? Five years

Tell us about your professional role:

I was given a copy of ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad” (highly recommend it) which sent me down the path of learning more about money, finance, and the economy as a whole. This spark in interest led to a degree in finance and everything compounded from there. I was fortunate to work in banking full time while pursuing my degree. I was exposed to business banking during that time and knew that was the path I wanted to go. As a business banker, I partner with our community’s business owners and entrepreneurs to assist with access to capital (both financial and human) and cash management. I work to become a trusted advisor in strategizing and navigating business finance and lending. Our local businesses are the backbone of the economy and the fact that I’m able to partner alongside those who offer so much is extremely enjoyable and fulfilling.

What do you enjoy in your spare time?

Fitness is a big part of my life. It’s strange to look at health and fitness as a hobby and not a chore, but I enjoy learning about the body and how to best optimize nutrition and overall wellbeing. I enjoy woodworking, sports, and - as nerdy as it sounds - reading and learning about equity markets, investments, and macroeconomics. I’ve recently picked up golf and although I’m terrible, I enjoy playing (when I’m not searching for my ball in the woods).

Who or what inspires you? My Dad inspires me. He had a huge influence on me growing up and continues to inspire me today. He is the toughest and most hard-working person I know, and I continue to learn a lot by watching him.

What's something about not many people know? I can’t wink. It’s a good time to see me try though.

Why did you join YPCV? I joined YPCV to connect with like-minded people to learn from and grow with. As young professionals, we are trying to find our place and make an impact in our careers and communities. This is best accomplished when you surround yourself with a team of people doing the same thing. “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”. This saying may seem cliché, but it’s true.


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